“The people of Walla Walla County deserve judges who are deeply rooted in the values of our Valley and are the best the legal profession has to offer. With almost 25 years of trial experience and over three years as a judicial officer in our Superior Court, I will work hard to be the kind of judge the people of this Valley can be proud of.”
Our courts are increasingly on the front lines of the complex issues facing our communities – substance use disorders, untreated mental illness, trauma, domestic violence. Our courts are also experiencing a substantial rise in caseloads, and the complexity of cases leads to unreasonable delays and difficulties in accessing justice. Judges need to be willing to work collaboratively and effectively with community leaders and elected officials to address these issues.
I believe I can be such a judge.
Judges also need to show leadership in the community and among judges across the state. Rural courts, in particular, have unique challenges, and judges must be willing to develop new tools for accessing our justice system – tools such as remote hearing technology and interpreter services.
I have a proven track record of statewide leadership.
Judges also need to have experience balancing an understanding of the challenges faced by the people of the Walla Walla Valley with an allegiance to the Rule of Law, our Constitution, and principles of accountability.
I will be such a judge.
I hope you will take a few minutes to read about my background and see who has been supporting my election. I will be campaigning throughout the county this year and hope to earn your vote.